27 September 2009

tutorial 1


Ms A, a woman gets age 25 years, suffering cough gets phlegm since three-month last. It kost at housing region dirties at Jakarta and have 2 year works at one malls. It works from morning until evening and up to working it disordered eating and frequent buy saji's ready food. Then cough that be experienced getting acute up to one current week and sometimes been espoused by blood pock. But it never gets doctor, it looks on its pain because it often works at berAC.suatu's hall Miss day b friend one kosnya, knowing its disease, it surprises its friend suffer blood cough, and it suggests that Miss b gets doctor. Terminologicaling it coughs to bleed it contagion. Arise care in self Miss, it follows its friend tips and then memeriksakan her goes to one swasta's clinic. According to doctor it shall trip cure up to 6 months and may not stop doctor drink. Ms really sad and worried its disease can't get over, it also shy with its friend, it memutuskanberhenti works and decide working stop and homewards to its house and trip cure over there.

Additional data:

Patient id: haven't gotten married, are not working current. Its wages 1 million about moon. Utilized to pay kos 250 thousand about moons and its rest for transport and eating.

Education history: SMA'S end

Its home house so nearby its neighbour, fairish 200 square meters, its floor is soiled, window only at frontage. That house cleaned sparse. Besides cough, patient also congested, sometimes feverish, and has disordered eating wont and few.


Step 1

1. Disease

- body abnormality

- abnormality an organ function

- abnormalization an organ function

2. Bloody cough

- cough is with pockmarked blood

- explosive expenditure of lung with air material that espoused by blood pock

3. Contaminate

- mechanism devolve a disease

4. Cure

- convalescence effort

5. Congested

- abnormalization in processes inspiration, with subnormal frequency

6. Fever

- body temperature step-up upon 37,2 celcius's degrees

7. Pain

- tidaksempurna physically and also mental

8. Cure

- pulih's situation

Step 2

What that intended with healthy behaviour?

Step 3

1. classically a healthy terminology gets to be defined by sejahtera's limitations in physical, mental and social. But that definition effloresce beginning as a keadaa even handed among factor physical and factor penenntu so is gotten a productive situation in term economy

2. healthy not despite factor following:

a. physical

in this limitation someone can be said healthy its physical if criteria's pock: are not sick clinical ala, don't perceive to take ill, in function body tool in the normal manner

b. mental

in this limitation someone is healthy mentally have think that rasional, can restrain emotion. Spiritually gets to thank to God YME

c. economy

someone that have criteria healthy economic ala to be marked by adequately of it financial facet, can manage to conduct goes in and out it finance, someone productivity so gets to suffice requirement

3. behaviour

Behaviour is action or knockabout wont

4. healthy behaviour

constitute a someone effort to reach a welfare physically, mental, social, and also economy.

Step 4

1. Important thing in health behaviour is forming problem and behaviour change. Since behaviour change constitute education aim or health counselling as supporter of another medicare

2. behaviour can changed just if stimulus (stimulus) one that is given aptly exceeds of stimulus originally. Stimulus who can exceed stimulus originally it means stimulus that is given has to get makes sure being.

Step 5

Learning objectives:

1. word about domain behaviour

2. word about behaviour change

3. word about health behaviour

4. word about emotional aspect

5. word about compliance

Step 6

Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. 2003. Society Hygiene basic principles. Jakarta: Rineka Composes

. 2003. Society Hygiene basic principles. Jakarta: Rineka Composes

www. geocities. com /... behaviour / behaviour change. htm

qym7882. blogspot. com / 2009 / 04 / domain behaviours. html

www. ruteplanen. dk / query?... perilaku%2Fdomain is behaviour

Step 7

1. domain is behaviour

That human behaviour highly complex and has far-flung scope. Benyakin Bloom (1908) one expert of education psychology divide that behaviour into 3 domain (domain / area) even those area not have clear and explicit limitation.

Division thisa is done the favor education aim. That deep intent an education is develop or increasing domain third that behaviour one consisting of a.) kognitif's domain (cognitive domain) b ) afektif's domains (affective domain) c ) psikomotor's domains (psychomotor domain).

In succeeding developing by pedagogues and the favor education result, domain third this was measured of:

a. Participant science is taught to education material that is given


b. Attitude or participant comment is taught to education material that is given


c. Practice or action that did by participant is taught in conection with

education material that is given (practice).

Its formed a new behaviour, particularly on adult was started in by domain kognitif, in subjek's mean knows beforehand to stimulus that as material or object outside the.

Causing gnostic new on subjek that and further evoke spiritual response in shaped attitude the subjek to acknowledged object it. Finally excitement namely object already being known and is realised utterly that will evoke farther response again, which is as action (action) to or in conection with stimulus or previous object.

But such at deep in reality, accepted stimulus by subjek can direct evoke action. Its mean is someone gets to act or gets new behaviour unknowingly beforehand stimulus meaning that be accepted. In other words action (practice) someone shan't be constituted by science or attitude.

According to Ki Hits Dewantoro, national education figure us, area third this behaviour is so-called composes (kognisi), taste (emotion) and desire (konasi). Our education figure this teaches that education aim is form and or increase man ability that ranges to compose, taste and that desire. Ability third that have together been developed balance ala so formed by Indonesia man completely (harmonious).

1. Science (Knowledge)

Science constitutes to usufruct tofu and it happens person afters do penginderaan to a given object. Penginderaan happens to pass through man the five senses, namely seeing, hearing, sniffing, taste and raba. Largely gnostic human acquired through eye and ear.

Science or kognitif constitutes domain that momentous to be formed its someone action (overt behaviour).

For from experience and research apparently behavioural one constituted by science will more eternal than behavioural that don't be constituted by science.

Rogers's research (1974) reveal that before person adopt new behaviour (get new behaviour), at deep self that person happening processes that consecutive, namely:

a. Awareness (consciousness) where does that person realise deep mean knows

earlier to stimulus (object).

b. Interest (perceive to interest) to stimulus or that object. Herein attitude

subjek was beginning evoked.

c. Evaluation (weigh) to well and don't it that stimulus

to her. It means respondent attitude was better again.

d. Trial where subjek begins to try to do something according to

what do be wanted by stimulus.

e. Adoption where subjek have gotten new behaviour corresponds to science,

consciousness and its attitude to stimulus.

But such of observational succeeding Rogers concludes that behavioural change is not always pass aforesaid steps.

If new behaviour acceptance or behaviour adoption via processes as this where constituted by science, consciousness and positive attitude therefore that behaviour will get eternal character (long lasting). On the contrary if behavioural it is not constituted by science and awareness of don't happen long time.

An example get in here been interposed, participant mother mother KB who commanded by lurah or RT's chairman, without that mother mother know meaning and to the effect KB, they will shortly come out of KB's participant after a few moments that instruction is accepted.

Science that is ranged at deep domain kognitif has 6 zooms, namely:

a. Tofu (Know)

diartikan's tofu as remembers a material have already be studied previous. Most turns in at this zoom science is recollect (recall) to a specific one and all studied material or excitement already being accepted.

Therefore, this tofu constitute lowest science zoom. Say job to measure that person knows about what do be studied for example names, describe, mendefenisikan, declare for, etcetera. Example: can name calorie lack auspices and protein on balita's child.

b. Understand (Comprehension)

Understanding diartikan as an ability words correctness ala about object which be known and gets menginterpretasi that material ala really. Person has already seen to object or material has to get words, naming example, conclude, predict, etcetera to studied object. E.g. gets to word why has nutritive food.

c. Application (Application)

diartikan's application as ability to utilize material already being studied on situation or condition of substantive (actually). Application in here used to mean application or law purposes, formula, method, principle, etcetera in the context or the other situation.

E.g. gets to utilize statistic formula in observational yielding counts, can utilize trouble-shooting cycle principles (problem solving cycle) at in solving health problem of case that is given.

d. Analisis (Analysis)

Analisis is an ability to enlighten material or an object into components but still at deep a that organization chart and extant its bearing each other. This analisis's ability can be seen from job word purpose which is gets to figure (making charts), differentiate, come to pieces, agglomerate, etcetera.

e. Sintesis (Synthesis)

Sintesis points out to at one particular ability for laid or links parts at deep an overall form a new one. In other words, sintesis that an ability to arrange new formulation of aught formulations.

E.g. gets to arrange, can plot, can boil down, can adjust, etcetera to a theory or formulas already there is.

f. Evaluation (Evaluation)

This evaluation gets bearing with competence to do justifikasi or estimation to a material or object. This estimation base a prescribed criterion alone or utilizes criterions already there is.

E.g. gets to compare among children which adequately nutrient with malnutrition children, can comment its epidemic happening diarrhoea somewhere, can paraphrase mother mother causes not wants KB's followings, etcetera.

Gnostic measurement can be done by interview or questionnaire that asks about material content that wants to be measured from subjek research or respondent. Gnostic depth that wants us to know or we measure to get we suiting with aforesaid zooms.

2. Attitude (Attitude)

Attitude constitutes to react or someone response that stills to be closed to a stimulus or object. Severally other limitation about this attitude gets dikutipkan as follows:

"An enduring system of positive or negative evaluations, emotional feelings and pro or conection tendencies will respect to social object" (Krech et al, 1982)

"An individual' s social attitude is an syndrome of consistency with regard to social objects's responses." (Cambell, 1950)

"A. and neural state of rediness's mental, organized through expertence, exerting derective or dynamic influence up on the individual' s to all objects and situations with which it is related's responses". (Allpor, 1954)

"Attitute entails an existing predisposition to is to social abjects which in interaction with situational and other dispositional variables's response, guides and direct the obert behavior of the individual." (Cardno, 1955)

Of limitations upon can be concluded that manifestasi that attitude can't direct be seen but just get beforehand been paraphrased of behavioural one is closed. Attitude manifestly point out konotasi marks sense reaction suitability to given stimulus.

In life daying-to-day to constitute reaction that gets character emotionaling to social stimulus. Newcomb, incorrectly one expert of social psychology, declare for that that attitude constitutes kesiapan or readiness for acting and not such given motif executor.

Attitude has constituted an action or activity however constitutes predisposisi action or behaviour. That attitude still constitute enclosed reaction not such behavioral openended reaction that exposed. More get again been worded that attitude constitutes to react to object at environmentally given as a carrying out of to object. (Diagram see)

In Allport's other part (1954) word that that attitude has 3 subject components, namely:

a. Trust (confidence), IDE and concept to an object.

b. Emotional life or evaluation emotionaling to an object.

c. Trend for acting (trend to behave)

Component third this ala jointly form whole attitude (full scale attitude). In whole attitude determination it, science, think, confidence and emotion holds to play a part essential.

An example a mother has listened polio's disease (its cause, accordingly, its prevention, etcetera). This science will take in mother for thinks and try so child it not strikes polio.

In thinks it, emotion component and following confidence works so that mother intends that mengimunisasikan will its child to prevent so child it not strikes polio. So this mother have particular attitude to object that as diseased as polio this.

As well as with science, this attitude consisting of level sort, namely:

a. Accept (Receiving)

Accepting diartikan that person (subjek) want and notice stimulus that is given (object). E.g. someone attitude to nutrient can be seen from readiness and its attention to discourses.

b. Merespons (Responding)

Giving answer if is asked, work and solves task that is given is an indication of attitude. Since with an effort to answer question or works task that is given, escape that work correctness or incorrectly, matter person accept that IDE.

c. Price (Valuing)

Asking out others to work or talking over by others to a period is an attitude indication increase three. E.g. a mother which ask out mother any other (its neighbour, its brother, etcetera) to go weigh out its child goes to posyandu or discusses about nutrient be a proof that the that mother already have positive attitude to child nutrient.

d. On hands (Responsible)

Are in control of all something already be chosen its with all jeopardy constitute highest attitude. E.g. a mother wants to become KB's acceptor even get daring of parent in law or its own oldster.

Attitude measurement is done with directly and indirect. Directly gets to be asked how opinion or respondent statement to an object. E.g. how has say you about doctor service at Cipto's Hospital?

Indirectly gets to be done by hypothesis statement then asked by respondent opinions. E.g. if home mother extends, what may be used for posyandu's activity? Or I will get married if was aged 25 years? (really accepts, in agreement, take issue, really cries down).

3. Practice or Action (Practice)

An attitude was auto materializes deep shaped action (overt behavior). To materialize it attitude becomes a realization be required by factor supporting or a condition that enables, for example is facility.

Mother attitude already positive to immunise that has to get confirmation of its husband, and there is getatable vaccinating facility, that that mother mengimunisasikan its child. Over and above facility factor also needful support factor (support) of other party, e.g. husband or wife, oldster or parent in law momentousing to back up family planning practice.

Practicing zooms

a. Perception

Know and choosing various object in conection with action which will take to constitute first grade practice. E.g. a mother gets to choose nutritive food tall for balitanya's child.

b. Leaded response (Giuded is Response)

Can do something according to thread which really corresponds to example constitute practice indicator increase both of. E.g. a mother gets to cook vegetable aright, beginning of way washes and cut it, the duration cooks, shut up its pan, etcetera.

c. Mechanism (Mecanism)

If someone has gotten to do something aright self acting or that something have constituted wont therefore it has reached zoom practice three. E.g. a mother already ordinary immunise baby at the age particular without wait instruction or others invitation.

d. Adaptation (Adaptation)

Adaptation is a practicing or action already effloresce with every consideration. Its mean is that action was modified its own without reduce its action truth that. E.g. mother can choose and cooks nutritive food tall bases materials a bargain and plain.

Behavioural measurement can be done at second hand namely with interview to activity already being done a few hours, days or last moon (recall). Measurement can also be done straightforward namely with mengobservasi action or respondent activity

2. changing behaviour

Important thing in health behaviour is forming problem and behaviour change. Since behaviour change constitute education aim or health counselling as supporter of another medicare. There are many theory about this behaviour change, for example will be described under.

1. Being Stimulus theory Response (SOR)

This theory go upon that assumption its happening cause behavioural change depends upon stimulus quality (stimulus) one that gets communication with being. Its mean is quality of communication source (sources) e.g. credibility, leadership, speaking style really determine behavioural change success someone, group or society.

Hosland, et al (1953) say that behavioural changed process in effect equal to studying process. Behavioural changed process that figure studying process on consisting of individual:

a. Stimulus (stimulus) one that is given on being can be accepted or is refused. If that stimulus is unaccepted or rejected meaning that stimulus not effective regard individual and stop attention in here. But if stimulus accepted by matter being available attention of individual and that stimulus is effective.

b. If stimulus has gotten attention of being (accepted) therefore it understands this stimulus and is drawned out to next process.

c. Being afterwards mengolah that stimulus so readiness happening for acting after stimulus already being accepted it (pose).

d. Finally with facility and push support of environmentally therefore that stimulus have action effect of that individual (changing behaviour).

Hereafter cognitive it says that behaviour can changed just if stimulus (stimulus) one that is given aptly exceeds of stimulus originally. Stimulus who can exceed stimulus originally it means stimulus that is given has to get makes sure being. In make sure this being, reinforcement's factor holds to play a part essential.

2. Festinger's theory (dissonance Theory)

Finger (1957) this have a lot of its influence in social psychology. This theory actually equal to concept imbalance (uneven). It means that cognitive dissonance's situation constitute psychological imbalance situation that covered by stress self that tries to strike the balance back to. If balance happening in self individual therefore matter haven't happening stress self again and this situation is so-called consonance (balance).

dissonance (imbalance) happening because in self individual exists 2 kognisi's elements that each other interfering. One that intended element kognisi is gnostic, opinion, or confidence. If individual faces a stimulus or object and that stimulus evoke opinion or confidence that variably / at cross at deep self alone individual therefore happens dissonance.

Sherwood and Borrou formulates dissonance that as follows:

The importance for stimulus x total kognitif dissonance

dissonance =--------------------------------------------------------

The importance for stimulus x total kognitif consonance

This formula words that imbalance in self someone which will cause changing behaviour happens to be caused since marks sense distinctive total poised kognitif element with kognitif's element amount that uneven and same the importance for. It will evoke conflict on self that individual.

Example: A housewife which works at office. At one party, with works it can income affix for its eventual family gets to meet the need for family and its children, including nutritive food requirement. If it don't work, clear can't meet the need family subject. At the other party, if it works, it uneasying to care to its children will evoke problem. Both of element (argument) this all same the importance for, namely perceives to take on answer him as housewife that good.

Emphasis of this conflict working out is kognitif's ala acclimatization. With this acclimatization therefore will happen back balance. Success was reached by it balance is back this points out to mark sense changing attitude and finally will happen changing behaviour.

3. Logistic theory

This theory is presumptive that individuals behavioural change that depends upon requirement. It means that stimulus who can beget changing someone behaviour if that stimulus gets apprehended in the context that person requirement. According to Katz (1960) dilatarbelakangi's behaviour by pertinent individual need. Katz gets that assumption:

a. That behaviour have instrumental function, its mean can function and gives service to the need. Someone can act (get behaviour) positive to object after its requirement accomplishment. On the contrary if object can't meet the need it therefore it will get negative behaviours. E.g. person wants to make latrine if that latrine quite a as its requirement.

b. Behaviour can function as defence mecanism or as defending as self in face its environment. Its mean with its behaviour, with its action, man can protect coming threat from outside. E.g. person can avoid dengue disease because that disease constitute threat for her.

c. Functioning behaviour as receiver of object and gives mean. In its role with its action that, someone everlastingly conforms by its environment. With that day-to-day action someone has done decisions in conection with objects or faced stimulus.

Decision making that beget that action is done spontaneous and in the period of that laconic. E.g. if someone perceives headache therefore rapid fire without thinking long time it will act to settle that soreness with buy doctor at booth and drinks it, or other actions.

d. Functioning behaviour as appreciative as expressive of self someone in answers a situation. This expressive point indigenous concept self someone and constitutes mirroring of heartstrings. Therefore that behaviour gets to constitute "display" where all expression self person can be seen. E.g. person which angering, pleasantly, wroth, etcetera gets to be seen from behaviour or its action.

This theory gets that confidence that behaviour have function to face individual extern the world and everlastingly conforms by its environment terminological its requirement. Therefore at deep human life, that behaviour is observable perpetual and changed relatively.

4. Kurt Lewin's theory

Kurt Lewin (1970) opine that human behaviour is a poised situation among thruster forces (driving forces) and detention forces (restrining forces). This behaviour gets changed if happening imbalance among force second that at deep self someone.

So there is 3 its happening possible behaviour change on self that someone, namely:

a. Thruster force increases. It happens since mark sense stimulus that push for its happening changing behaviours. This stimulus as counselling or informations in conection with behaviour which pertinent. E.g. someone which was following KB (there is balance among the importance for few child with confidence a lot of child a lot of blessing) can changed its behaviour (KB's following) if thruster force namely the importance for having KB raised by counsellings or other efforts.

Thruster force Increases

Behaviour originally-----------------------------------------> New behaviour

Detention force

b. menurun's detention force. It will happen since marks sense stimulus that weaken to try a fall that detention. E.g. example tersebubt upon, with give savvy to that person that child a lot of blessing, there are many is trusty incorrect one therefore that detention force is debilitated and will happen changing behaviour on that person.

Thruster force

Behaviour originally-----------------------------------------> New behaviour

Menurun's Detention force

c. Thruster force increases, menurun's detention force. With situation this kind of is clear will also happen changing behaviour. As example upon, KB's counselling that comprising gives savvy to that person about the importance for having KB and not true child trust a lot of, blessing a lot of, will soup up thruster and at a swoop down detention force.

Thruster force Increases

Behaviour originally-----------------------------------------> New behaviour

Detention force – Menurun

3. health behaviour

1. Behavioural concept

Before we talk about health behaviour, earlier will make limitation about that behaviour is alone. Behaviour of view biologis is constitute an activity or pertinent being activity. So man behaviour in effect is an activity of that man is alone.

Therefore, that human behaviour have far-flung disquisition, ranging walking, speaking, react, cladding, etcetera. Even internal activity (activity is internal) as thinks, perception and emotion also constitute man behaviour. The favor framework analisis can be said that behaviour is what do be worked by that being, well gets to be observed straightforward or at second hand.

Behaviour and observable behaviour phenomena on that being activity is regarded good by genetic factor (came of) and environment. In common gets to be said that genetic factor and environmental it constitutes conditioner of living thing behaviour comprise man behaviour.

Hereditas or offspring factor is conceptional base or capital for that living thing behaviour developing hereafter. Meanwhile environment is a condition of or constitute farm for formative behavioural that. A meet mechanism among factor second that in order to been formed its behavioural so-called process studies (learning process).

Skinner (1938) one expert of behaviour interposes that behaviour constitutes to usufruct relationship among incentive (stimulus) and comment (response) and response. It differentiates to mark sense 2 responses, namely:

a. Respondent is Response or Reflexive Is Response

Are response that evoked by particular excitements. Stimulatives this kind of called by eliciting stimuli because evoke relative response constant, e.g. goody evoke its issue saliva, strong light will cause enclosed eye, etcetera. In a general way stimulative the said so precede response those are evoked.

Respondent is response (respondent behaviour) this ranges also response emotion or emotional behaviour. Emotional is this response is evoked because thing which insufficiently pertinent being mengenakkan, e.g. cries since downcast or ill, red face (blood pressure increases since anger). On the contrary things which mengenakkanpun can evoke emotional behaviour e.g. razzing, tiptoe because pleasing etcetera.

b. Operant is Response or Instrumental Response

Are evoked response and its amends followed by particular incentive. Incentive this kind of called by reinforcing stimuli or reinforcer because that stimulative strengthen response already being done by beings.

Therefore, incentive the said so follows or strengthening a behaviour has already is done. If a child studies or have done a conduct then gets present therefore it wills be more energetic learned or will better again do that conduct. In other words response it will more intensive or stronger again.

At deep life everyday, first type response (response respondent or respondent behaviour) really circumscribed its existence on human. It is caused because relationship which must among stimulus and response, pretty much to modify it is weeny.

On the contrary operant response or instrumental behaviour constitutes a part greatest of behavioural human and possible to modify very large even get not been said circumscribed. In focus theory Skinner this is on response or behaviour type secondly it.

1.1 Behavioural Forming Procedure

As mentioned above, largely behavioural human is operant response. To it to form response or behaviour type this needs to be created marks sense a the so called given condition operant conditioning.

Procedure behavioural forming in operant conditioning this terminologicals Skinner is as follows:

a. Doing identification about things which constitute lasing or reinforcer

as present or rewards divides behaviour who that ibentuk will.

b. Doing analisis to identify little component that

forming behaviour that is wanted. Then component

that was arranged in order in point to wend to been formed it

intended behaviour.

c. By use of in series that component as intent as -

to the effect temporary, identifying reinforcer or present for each one

that component.

d. Doing behavioural forming by use of component thread that

it has arranged. If first component was done therefore its present

given. It will beget component or behaviour (action)

that tend will often be done. If this behaviour was formed

then done by component (behaviour) secondly, given by present (component

first not require present again), such monotonous until

second component molded. Afterwards drawned out by drd component,

fourth, and succeeding until all expected behaviour molded.

As illustration, e.g. is wanted that child has wont brush teeth before sleep. To get behaviour as it therefore that child has:

a. Go to bathroom before sleep.

b. Taking brush and odol.

c. Taking water and gargle.

d. Perform to brush teeth.

e. Keeping toothbrush and odol.

f. Go to bedroom.

If gets to be identified by presents (are not as money) to each that behavioural component (component a. e) therefore will get to do that wont forming. Aforesaid example is a moderation procedure behaviour forming via operant conditioning.

At deep in reality this procedure a lot of and varying once and more complex of aforesaid example. This Skinner's theory so far-reaching preferably at United States Of America. behaviour control's concepts, behaviour theraphy and behaviour modification what does its adult amends be stemmed on this theory.

1.2 Behavioural Forms

On a more behaviour operational used to mean a being or someone response to excitement (stimulus) from outside subjek that. This response gets form 2 kinds, namely:

a. Passive form is internal response which is that happening at deep man himself and not straightforward gets visually by other people, e.g. thinks, comment or spiritual and science attitude. E.g. a mother knows that that vaccinating gets to prevent a despites given disease that mother not take in its child goes to puskesmas to been immunised. Other example a that advise others to follow its despite family planning own not following family planning.

Of both of that example is looked that mother had tofu utilised vaccinating and second example person that already have attitude which positive to back up their own despite family planning haven't done konkret's ala to thing second that. Therefore this their behaviour still to be camouflaged (covert behaviour).

b. Active form which is if behavioural it is clear get at straightforward observation. E.g. on the two example upon, the mother has taken in its child goes to puskesmas or health facility othering to immunises and person on second case was following family planning in mean have become KB's acceptor. Because of their behaviour this was observable deep shaped real action therefore so-called overt behaviour.

Of description upon can be concluded that science and attitude is constitute someone response to stimulus or excitement that stills to get character under cover and so-called covert behaviour. Meanwhile someone reality action as response of someone to stimulus (practice) are constitute overt behaviour.

2. Health behaviour

Health behaviour basically is a someone response (being) to stimulus that gets bearing with sick and diseased, health care system, food and environmentally.

This limitation has 2 subject elements, namely response and stimulus or stimulative.

Response or man reaction, well gets passive character (science, perception, and attitude) and also gets active character (real action or practice). Meanwhile stimulus or excitement here consists 4 subject elements, namely takes ill & disease, health care system, food and environmentally.

Thus on a more most healths behavioural inch that ranges:

a. Someone behaviour to take ill and disease which is how berespons's man, well quiesently (know, pose and mempersepsi is disease or aught soreness on her and her outboard, and also active (action) one that is done in conection with disease or ill that.

Behaviour to take ill and this disease by itself in accordance with diseased preventive zooms, namely:

- Behaviour in conection with step-up ddan health preserve (health promotion behaviour). E.g. food which nutritive, sport, etcetera.

- Diseased preventive behaviour (health preevention behaviour) are response to do disease prevention, e.g. sleep use bed hanging to prevent malaria mosquito bite, vaccinating, etcetera. Including behaviour for don't menularkan disease to others.

- Behaviour in conection with search penngobatan (health seeking behaviour), which is behaviour to do or looks for cure, e.g. effort cure alone its disease or look for cure go to modern health facilities (puskesmas, mantri, practicing doctor, etcetera), and also goes to traditional health facility (soothsayer, sinshe, etcetera).

- Behaviour in conection with cure kessehatan (health rehabilitation behaviour) which is behaviour which is engaged afters convalescence efforts get over a diseases. E.g. does diet, obeying doctor fomentation in order to its convalescence).

b. Behaviour to health care system is someone response to good health ministering system modern health care system and also traditional. This behaviour concern response to ministering facility, ministering trick, health officer and obatan it, one that materializes deep gnostic, perception, attitude and facility purpose, officer and obatan.

c. Behaviour to food (nutrition behaviour) namely someone response to food as vital's requirement divides life. This behaviour covers science, perception, our attitude and practice to food and contained elements at in it (nutrient substance), alimentary management, etcetera as subjective as our body requirement.

d. Behaviour to environmentally health (enviromental health behaviour) are someone response to environmentally as determinant of human health. This behavioural scope as extensive as environmental health scope that alone.

This behaviour for example ranges:

- Behaviour in conection with fresh water, ttermasuk at in it component,

benefit, and fresh water purpose the favor health.

- Behaviour in conection with discharge aiir mess, one that concerns facet

higiene, tech preserve, and its purpose.

- Behaviour in conection with waste, well solid and also waste waste moltens.

Including at in its rubbish dump system and healthy waste water

and waste discharge impact that inauspicious.

- Behaviour in conection with house which seehat, one that covers ventilation,

lighting, floor, etcetera.

- Behaviour in conection with purge ssarang mosquito den (vector) and

as it.

According to behavioural America Encyclopaedia diartikan as an action or being reaction to its environment. It means that new behaviour to be become if available something required just for evokes reaction, namely excitement the so called. Thus therefore an excitement will result reaction or particular behaviour.

Robert Kwick (1974) declare for that behaviour is action or conduct a being who can be observed and even gets to be studied. Attitudes unlike behaviour. Attitude is just a trend to arrange action to an object, with someway that declares for to mark sense auspices to like or not like that object. Attitude only one part of man behaviour.

At deep a forming and or change, behaviour regarded by severally factor which originates from within and from outside that individual is alone. That factor for example nerve formation center, perception, motivation, emotion, learned process, environmentally, etcetera.

Center afferent formation hold essential role in behavioural human because constitutes one transfer form of ingoing excitement become conduct or action. This transfer did by nerve formation centers with its basic units so-called neuron.

Neuron moves energies at deep afferent impulses. indera's afferent impulses hearings, sight, smelling, stamping and groping is channelled from its happening place excitement passes through nerve impulse go to nerve formation center.

Behavioural changes in self someone can thru know perception. Perception as experience that resulting through the five senses. One any one have perception that variably despite observes same object. Motivation that diartikan as a push for acting in order to reaches an aim, can also materialize deep shaped behavioural.

Behaviour can also arise since emotion. Psychological aspect that regard germane emotion with carnal situation, one that substantially constitute offspring factor (deliverance). Man in achieving maturity all aforesaid aspect will formative legalistic amends.

diartikan's studying as a behavioural changed process one is resulted from practices in environmentally life. Studying is a constituted behavioural change by behavioural former (previously). Thus can be concluded that that behaviour is formed through a processes and happen deep human interactions with its environment. Factor that regard to be formed its behavioural differentiated as 2, namely intern's factor and external.

intern's factor ranges science, intelligence, perception, emotion, motivation etcetera that functioning for mengolah excitement from outside. Meanwhile external factor cover vicinity environment, well physical and also non physical as climatic as, man, economic social, culture etcetera.

Of description upon observable clear that behaviour constitutes conception that don't simple, complex something, namely a psychological process organizings by someone that gives predisposisi to do responsi in a specific way to an object.

Becker (1979) proposing behavioural classification that is engaged health (health related behavior) as follows:

a. Health behaviour (health behavior) which is things which gets bearing with action or someone activity in pets and increase its health. Including also actions to prevent diseases, individual hygiene, choosing food, sanitasi, etcetera.

b. Sick behaviour (illness behavior) namely all action or activity that is done an individual which perceive pain to feel and knows its health situation or soreness. Including in here ability or individual science to identify disease, cause of disease and effort prevent that disease.

c. Role behaviour takes ill (the sick role behavior) namely all action or activity that done by individual that taking ill to get recovery. This behaviour over and above influential to health / its own painfulness, also influential to others especially to children that haven't had consciousness and accountability to its health.

Saparinah Sadli (1982) figuring individual with environmentally social interplay one at deep a diagram.


a. Individual health behaviour; attitude and individual wont that hand in glove its bearing

with environment.

b. Environmentally family; wonts every membered family hit


c. Environmentally circumscribed; tradition, tradition and society trust

due to health.

d. Environmentally common; commanding policies at health area,

health law, medicares, etcetera.

3 emotional aspects

This aspect constitute limitation in health mentally, healthy emotional aspect most mirror of someone ability to express its emotion, e.g. fear,gembirs, worried, downcast, etcetera.

4. compliance

Compliance is degree where patient follow clinical fomentation of doctor that cures it (Kaplan dkk, 1997). According to Sacket in Niven (2000) compliance is insofar which patient behaviour correspond to rule that gave by health professional.


Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. 2003. Society Hygiene basic principles. Jakarta: Rineka Composes

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