22 September 2011

Consuming enough food containing iron to maintain our health. "english article trying"

Sorry my English is so broken, 

After long time this blog is not update, and here I come back! It is my special article on my blog. Did you know why I said that?

This time, I try to write my article in English. I am feeling not confidence about it. I am afraid to make any mistakes with my English grammar, and that will make me shame, lol. Since there is no any native speakers in my circumstance, English is hard, but this shouldn’t make me give up, right? There a proverb that I remembered, “no gain without pain”. I mean, we won’t gain english until we have tried, right?

I have a few of foreign friends. They are from Malaysia, Turkey, Japan, Middle East, and some other country. I never met them. I just talk them in facebook, yes thanks to facebook. I often take a part into a chatting in a english-fanpage with them. One thing I remembered that They said that they don’t really care with my grammar, but they care with my idea, my opinion, my sharing, they said they have similar problem as me. So, if you read some misswriting on this article, you may give me some advice. Don’t forget to add my facebook or my twitter account (@Iqbal_Sidiq). bla-bla-bla too many rubbish word. O.K. let’s take a look what I have below.

IRON – We need to consume enough food containing iron to maintain our healthy.

Don’t misunderstood with iron we use as a material to make a knife, a saw, a hammer, or even a car. Iron that I mean in here is a part of nutrition. 

Yes, we need iron to our body although only in a very few.
Iron is an essential micronutrition (micro means very few). 

Why micro? Because our body just have approximately 3 until 5 gram of iron (adult), and it is essential because without iron, Oxygen we inhale cannot be transported into tissue which needs Oxygen. Can you imagine how important it is?

Iron is take a part in Hemoglobin (a kind of protein attached in red blood used to bind Oxygen) Formation. Hemoglobin is responsible to make our blood look pinky (red), and it binds Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. 

It is also has some important rules for many of metabolism reaction in our cells.

Our body approximately contains about 3 until 5 grams total of irons. 

How do our body absorbs iron is very complicated, iron needs transpherine (need correction if I don’t write this correctly). 

What is transpherine? 
Transpherine is a special protein use to binding iron. Iron was mainly absorbed in our intestine (especially in duodenum), iron which has been absorbed will be transported by transpherine and then continued by some pathway till body use in our cell or as a material to form hemoglobins.

Humans are only can absorb a few of iron daily. Human body need of iron depends on ages and conditions. 

I will give you some instances (this is taking from Widayakarya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi, an organization who concern in nutrition in Indonesia), for the people below nine years have their needs about less than 10 milligrams iron, this is both sex (male and female). 

For men,10 till 12 years have their daily needs about 13mg of iron, male 13 till 15 needs 19mg. 

Notice that in this age human body growth rapidly. 

Men 16 till 18 years old need 15 mg of iron, and men more than 19 years need 13 mg.

Women has special need, it is because of women lose blood of their periods (menstruation).

Women 10 till 12 years needs 20 mg of iron and then the daily needs increase after 13, then decrease after 50. 

Women need additional iron for some conditions, like pregnant, or in breast feeding.

The best way to meet our need is consume food include iron. We can get iron from chicken meat, fish, cow’s liver. 

However, for the vegetarian people they can provide their needs of iron from green vegetables and some kinds of fruit like banana.

Ok, that’s enough for now, I will continue update with some new topics, see you.